On Saturday, February 8, the Motorcycle Awareness Campaign had another Sign Day, this time hosted by long-time MAC supporter, Friendly Powersports on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge.  We thank General Manager, Mark Bould, for his hospitality.

A number of area folks showed up to pick up a couple MAC yard signs and bumper stickers.  We were ably assisted by our good friends from Dudley-DeBosier Injury Lawyers, and we thank them for their help.

Bob Courtney and T.W. Robinson of the LA Rider TV show were on hand to shoot video for an upcoming episode of the program.

I was there, too, to shake hands and, more importantly, provide donuts for all to enjoy!  (I’m not in any of the pictures, because I was TAKING the pictures!)

Yard signs and bumper stickers are only two of the mass media MAC uses to get the word out to motorists to Please Watch for Motorcycles.  Other media we employ include highway billboards and radio and TV ads.  All of these cost money, which is why we need your financial support so badly.

Please consider joining the Motorcycle Awareness Campaign.  It’s only $35 a year.  AND IF YOU JOIN OR RENEW A MEMBERSHIP BEFORE MARCH 31, 2020, YOU BE ENTERED TO WIN THIS GOPRO HERO 8 BUNDLE, DONATED BY LA RIDER.  A $399 VALUE!

You can join MAC by clicking on this link:

REMEMBER!  “Liking” MAC on Facebook does NOT make you a member of MAC.  To be a member, you MUST join for $35 a year.  Joining online with your credit card is guaranteed safe and secure.

Be safe!